sábado, 16 de marzo de 2013

Pequeño zona sur

No viste el desierto
Que se esconde
Detrás del velo
Y no viste a los hombres pirados
Esperando que caiga uno muerto
Para comérselo

Era un niño de doce años
Lo vio todo en un parpadeo
Y sus ojos se llenaron de lágrimas
Y su sangre siguió fluyendo.

Los cielos se ponen radioactivos
Y esto sucede
De momento en momento
Se fraguó dentro de una novela negra
Guillotina directa al pescuezo.

Y al final no es un héroe
El gobierna en éste barrio eterno
Y con truquitos luciferinos
Busca loco el libre albedrío
Y se alimenta de sus cuerpos. 

viernes, 25 de enero de 2013

Boiling Rows

His soul may rest in prison
Between bars
And no forgiveness.
But brother
Sometimes is easy
To take guns
And become a killer.

Well, have you seen the desert?
Have you seen the men there starving?
Some are just there waiting
For their brothers to die
Just to have their meal.

How come no one feel miserable?
Is the veil between their eyes,
That veil that he tore off
A long time ago,
Just when he was little.

The wolfs they will be howling,
That´s all that they can do.
The ships they will be praying
And everything is just gonna stay still there.

The ku klux people waiting
Behind the light of their torch
The big guerrillas trying to win
And get control.

And now you´ve got him watching
When he was only twelve years old
His eyes they were broken
In tears.

What could he do?
He just stayed
His heart was pumping
His blood running all over.

But in the end he´s no hero,
In the deepness of crooked valley
He waves his sword
He owns the place
He is king there.

Well you don´t need to blame him,
Couse blame is all he knows,
Brother sometimes is easy
To take guns
And become a killer.