miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2012

He is Pain

He ain´t worth a dime
I guess he´s sitting there
Every time

Once in a while
Time passes by
A little cruel
But never too much

He´s turned on
But where he is
He is surrounded by porn.

He´s friends, his wife
Were burned once
In the heat of his mind

He drive´s his car
And beat the drive way
Once in a while

He lives’ in hell
His fist too long
His name is pain.

jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012

The House Of Cards

You play the game
With some poor dolls
Try to feel big
A complete grown up
Looking like an ass

You only see one face
The one that reflect
A good look
With in your eyes

Trapped you try
Power you feel
In a very tiny room
With a poor crowd of fools

Try to see
An enourmus world
Doesn´t know anything about you

Behind those walls of stupidity
Behind your game of challenges
There is some real cool shit
That can drive your world
Out of his mind

Stop crying alone
While you laught at your croud
It won’t be longer                               
Until you need a fire gun
To hold that home
The house of cards

martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012

Give me Death!

Ice cold booze
Ice cold heart
It’s too late
So what´s to care

I’m going far
Far away and in a while
I´m sick of you
Of this and that

The same old faces
Once and again
The same old tricks
So there´s nothing to learn

My mind can twist
And I´m so glad
I´m gonna leave
Everything behind

The engine burst
The row is road
I´m stepping out
Quit beating time.

Ice cold booze
Freezing my hand
Ice cold heart
Let the engine ride.